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Venenpraxis Dr. Taucher München
Venenpraxis Dr. Taucher Muenchen Team
Beinklinik Dr. Taucher München
Beinklinik Dr. Taucher München

Basic therapy

Effective compression treatment is the basis for nearly all further therapeutic steps for vein disease. If applied properly, it leads to an enormous increase in the efficiency of the calf muscle pump. The fastest way to achieve the goal of treatment, i.e. freedom from the complaint and healing of varicose eczemas and ulcers, is to use a compression bandage that reaches from the foot to mid-thigh.

Heinrich Fischer was the first to recognise that it is possible to remove even the greatest swelling within a very short time by the proper application of fully inelastic semi-rigid bandages. This is a very differentiated and sophisticated treatment that requires specific training and daily practise. There are only very few phlebological centres that are able to offer a therapy concept on this basis.


Decongestion according to Heinrich Fischer is an exclusively outpatient therapy that requires approximately 8 visits to the doctor and at least 1½ hours of fast walking per day. Patients are able to work. Most sports are only slightly restricted, but swimming is not allowed.

Dr. med. Uli Taucher

Private Practice for Phlebology

Kirchenstr. 44
81675 München

Tel.: 089/29 97 44
Fax: 089/48 00 22 11



Please make your appointment at:
089 / 29 97 44

Dr. med. Uli Taucher
Dr. med. Uli Taucher