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Venenpraxis Dr. Taucher München
Venenpraxis Dr. Taucher Muenchen Team
Beinklinik Dr. Taucher München

General information on treatment of varicose veins according to the VNUS-Closure/Celon method

Gentle treatment for varicose veins with the Radiofrequenzy (VNUS) procedure.

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem. Rather, they are a morbid expansion of the trunk veins that can lead to serious health problems if not treated. Varicose veins are visible on the skin, make your legs feel heavy, and can result in nightly cramps in the calf, skin changes, painful swelling, and inflamed veins.

Hereditary problems, and particularly weak connective tissue, are considered to be causes for vein disease. Other factors are a sedentary lifestyle, long periods of time spent standing or sitting, excess weight and hormonal changes (e.g. during pregnancy).

Gentle treatment for varicose veins

The good news: Gentle treatment is available for varicose veins.

Varicose veins are very easy to treat even without the painful surgical removal that used to be required. Modern, gentle and minimally invasive methods can make your legs look good again within a short time and also remove any complaints.

Dr. med. Uli Taucher

Private Practice for Phlebology

Kirchenstr. 44
81675 München

Tel.: 089/29 97 44
Fax: 089/48 00 22 11


Please make your appointment at:
089 / 29 97 44

Dr. med. Uli Taucher
Dr. med. Uli Taucher